7 Quotes & Sayings By Legal Maxim

Legal maxim: A general rule of law established as a fundamental principle, but not specifically named as such in the statutes. Many legal maxims are common law principles that were recognized and codified into written law. Other maxims are found in statutory law. For example, there is a maxim of construction known as the presumption of innocence which is codified as an amendment to the US constitution Read more

While many legal maxims are now part of statutory law they may still be referred to as common law principles.

Ancient custom has the force of law. Legal Maxim
That which is built upon the land goes with the land. Legal Maxim
Every skilled person is to be believed with reference to his own art. Legal Maxim
The burden of proof lies on the plaintiff. Legal Maxim
No one should be twice punished for one crime. Legal Maxim
The trodden path is the safest. Legal Maxim